<신기원을 연 여성들과의 라운드테이블_카멀라 해리스 미국 부통령과 간담회> 발언 요지

2022-10-04 13:31
It is an honor to have you with us today, Vice President Harris.  Truly an honor.  I believe your election as the first female vice president was a significant achievement not only for the United States, but in many ways, for women around the world.


I sincerely believe that for many people around the world, seeing you in a position of leadership gives women a sense of confidence in their own behavior in their struggle for equality.


Please let me briefly introduce myself. I served as a three-term member of the 14th, 15th & 16th National Assembly of the Republic of Korea.


Subsequently, I continued working for the advancement of gender equality as a leader of women’s organizations such as the Korean National Council of Women, Federation of Asia-Pacific Women’s Associations and the UN affiliate International Council of Women.  Challenging, but rewarding endeavors one and all.


When I first entered politics in the 1980s, there was a myriad of formidable obstacles for a woman to become a legislator. Some of these included the long-standing patriarchal culture of male dominance, women’s family responsibilities, lack of financial support, and more.


When I was running for the first time for the National Assembly seat in 1988, I was hit hard by the strong prejudice and discrimination against women candidates. Citizens did not have confidence in a woman’s political ability and leadership skills.


This resulted in abysmal female participation in the 13th National Assembly, truly abysmal, just as in earlier times. Not any women could not be elected from the district constituencies.


Although I failed in my election at that time, I seemed to gain further resolve to help women gain equal footing.  I then founded and have continued running the Korean Institute for Women and Politics (KIWP).


This was the first national research and training institute focusing on women’s participation in politics. The Institute has organized and hosted many national and international conferences as well as established numerous

educational programs to further the success of women politicians.


At the beginning of the New Millennium, I also initiated to establish a formidable women's network together with many other women’s organizations in Korea.


We, Korean women, were united in our desire to make changes in the election laws to allow for meaningful representation.


We made our concerted efforts and finally succeeded in revising the election law in 2004. Thanks to the amendment of the election laws, the rate of women's participation in our National Assembly is now stands at 19%. Relative to many countries, this may seem meager. But relative to our past, it is substantial. We need to think of this as a start for meaningful change.


Regarding the status of women in the Republic of Korea, I can say that there has been some progress in terms of gender equality.


The women of Korea have worked hard to kick the doors of discrimination by employing means of workshops, rallies, campaigning for public office, movement toward equal education, harnessing some of the power of mass media, and employing other means that are at our disposal.


I can say that we've worked tirelessly in our struggle, but I can also say that the struggle is far from over.  We still have a long way to go.


Some of us have recognized that gender equality cannot be an 'us against them' matter.  To be successful in achieving Gender Equality, we need the support of broad segments of society, including men.


Philosophical arguments may not turn the tide. Rather, men need to be convinced that women are a tremendous resource, a resource just beginning to be unleashed.


Demonstrating that women are able to effectively manage corporations and hold important political positions, thereby contributing substantially to national progress, we, women should be a powerful eye opener for men holding traditional, conservative views regarding the “proper” status of women.


Thank you, Vice President Harris, as I said before, we are delighted to have you with us today.
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